
Yongshui Fu, MD, PhD
Dr. Fu, born in 1969, is Vice President of Chinese Society of Blood Transfusion (CSBT), Director of Guangdong Provincial Center for Blood Quality Control. He is also severing as the member of Blood Safety Research Laboratory Committee of National Health and Family Planning Commission and the member of International Society of Blood Transfusion (ISBT), and training doctoral students in Sun Yat-sen University and Southern Medical University.
He received his bachelor degree of clinical medicine in Jiangxi Medical College in 1987, and completed Master degree of medical genetics and PhD of pathology and pathophysiology in Sun Yat-sen University. During 2004 to 2005, Dr. Fu worked as a visiting scholar in University of Kansas Medical Center, USA.
Dr. Fu has special focus on the research of immunohematology and transfusion transmitted diseases. He has published 17 SCI papers being the first author or correspondence author in the high-quality journals such as Journal of Virology, Transfusion, and Scientific Reports in recent years. He presided over two National Natural Science Foundation projects and more than ten key projects of Natural Science Foundation of Guangdong Province, participated in a national science and technology key program as deputy head, and also edited the textbook Clinical Transfusion for using in higher medical colleges.

Huaqin Liang, MD
Huaqin Liang is currently the director of Guangzhou Blood Center, director of Guangdong Medical Association, executive director of Guangzhou Medical Association, deputy director of Guangdong Provincial Center for Blood Quality Control, expert of Guangdong Blood Safety Inspection Group, and expert of Guangdong Health Science Expert Database. He has presided over seven national and provincial continuing education projects, and has presided over and participated in 10 scientific research projects. He was awarded the third prize of Guangdong Provincial Science and Technology Progress and the third prize of Guangzhou Science and Technology Progress. He has published dozens of papers in Chinese and English, and participated in the writing of three books.