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Diagnosis and management of von willebrand disease in Spain
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Reference Manager - RIS format (Windows only)
@article{{AOB}{4264}, author = {Batlle, J., Pérez-Rodríguez, A., Corrales, I., Borràs, N., Rodríguez-Trillo, ., Lourés, E., Cid, A., Bonanad, S., Cabrera, N., Moret, A., Parra, R., Mingot-Castellano, M., Navarro, N., Altisent, C., Pérez-Montes, R., Marcellini, S., Moretó, A., Herrero, S., Soto, I., Fernández-Mosteirín, N., Jiménez-Yuste, V., Alonso, N., de Andrés Jacob, A., Fontanes, E., Campos, R., Paloma, M., Bermejo, N., Berrueco, R., Mateo, J., Arribalzaga, K., Marco, P., Palomo, ., Quismondo, N., Iñigo, B., del Mar Nieto, M., Vidal, R., Martínez, M., Aguinaco, R., Tenorio, M., Ferreiro, M., García-Frade, J., Rodríguez-Huerta, A., Cuesta, J., Rodríguez-González, R., García-Candel, F., Dobón, M., Aguilar, C., López, F., Vidal, F., López-Fernández, M.}, title = {Diagnosis and management of von willebrand disease in Spain}, journal = {Annals of Blood}, volume = {3}, number = {1}, year = {2018}, url = {} }